Wednesday, April 4, 2012

April 05, 2012
The days move to fast for my twentieth century mind. I find it hard to even desire to keep up. This was a piece written in 2008. Found it today and did a little rewriting.

I feel a little prickle tickling at my mind.
It’s just a teeny piece of shrapnel
 left over from my war with life.

It's not a thought, a dream or numskull scheme,
just an itch that can't be scratched
without peeling back the skin...

A rash, perhaps, or something more profound,
a malignant joke, a punch line I forgot?
I hate this mystery that hides inside my head.

You'd think by now I'd know myself,
each nook and cranny where my memories have fled.
But there are places in my soul where even I dare not go;

that region where my sanity, my reason fears to tread.
What gruesome part of me still lingers there
within this chest where once a heart did dwell?

What hell have I created without knowledge or freewill?
Yet, I do not panic at the thought that light of day may
find me tickled off to death without a clue or reason why.  —rrw 12-21-08
                                                                                                   (rewrite 4-5-12)

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